Hi guys!
So, this month's re-work piece is "Buttons"- she was originally a 7" x 5" pen and ink sketch/illustration...and I am turning her into a 10" x 8" painting! Here is the ink version of "Buttons":
I do have an ACEO print of her up for auction on eBay HERE- probably one of the very last ones of this version EVER to be made! I will include one with the new painting as well, but you may want to grab one up before they are all gone :) Additionally, you can order other print/poster sizes through this page on my website- "Buttons" illustration artwork + print order info
So...here are some work in progress shots (crappy ones, and for that I apologize, and will blame my iPod camera):
As you can see, I have added a bit of a 'story' to her, with some slightly wonky props and furniture. I told myself I would NOT use every color in the rainbow on this piece, but I think that might have been wishful thinking...
I am mostly working on cartoon/comic art at the moment, so I hope you can forgive my lack of updates and such. Running two completely different operations gets a little...well, fucking batshit crazy. I can't lie, and I can't not swear, because I want the emphasis. Also, because once in awhile I feel the need to remind everyone that while I may paint pretty things, I have a pretty...gritty personality. That is not to say I cannot be sweet, but...Uhh...something something...cavities? Yeah :P
Before I 'sign off', though, I would like to remind you all of all my OTHER auctions happening on eBay- you can see them all HERE! I've been listing some of the Mermaid March Madness originals (you can see which ones are available on my website HERE- if you don't want to wait for the one you want to go up for auction, just send me an email!) I've also been rotating in some older original paintings and illustrations, as I need to do a bit of spring cleaning! :) I will have another post in the very near future about other art stuff, so...be on the look out for that! :)
Remember- more frequent updates, work in progress pictures, news, and such can be had here on my Facebook Page: Darkling Treasures on Facebook
Visit my website- tons of images available as art prints and posters: darklingtreasures.com
Loads of fun stuff- T shirts, stickers, mugs, stationery, bags, buttons, and more in my Zazzle Shop!
I had a lot of fun painting her, and even have a song for this painting!! I thought "why not post a song with every finished painting, Em?" Sooo, here is Magnetic Fields- "Deep Sea Diving":
Now, about this pretty mermaid girl- "Blue Dutchess" is an ORIGINAL 11" x 14" acrylic painting on canvas board. She is a multi-layered creation, swimming through some very strange water...Somewhere along the line, I decided that my work should be reflecting the messes that it often takes to get them made. I know, I know, it's just a freakin' mermaid, sheesh, why get all deep and philosophical about her? But there's always more under the surface. Ramble ramble ramble ;)
Sooo, anyhoo, she is currently up for auction on eBay, you can see her/bid/share on FB/twitter/wherevererrererer at this link: "Blue Dutchess" mermaid reworked original fantasy art on eBay I should also note that the auction for the original painting includes the last ACEO print of the illustrated version of this beauty!
I think that is all for this post. I have a million other things I want to post about, but the paintings get their own special minute ;)
More frequent updates, work in progress pictures, news, and such can be had here on my Facebook Page: Darkling Treasures on Facebook
Visit my website- tons of images available as art prints and posters: darklingtreasures.com
Loads of fun stuff- T shirts, stickers, mugs, stationery, bags, buttons, and more in my Zazzle Shop!
Didn't mean to drop off the face of the blogosphere, but...life happened. I do have some work in progress pictures of the "Dutchess" re-paint for you! Also, some MORE updates, yeesh...
So, this is the original illustration of "Dutchess":
There is ONE ACEO print of this version of "Dutchess" left, up for auction HERE on eBay! I will also be including an ACEO print of this version with the NEW PAINTING ;)
She was originally a little ACEO piece, but NOW she is becoming a large 11" x 14" painting!! Complete with my messy ink look!! A few progress shots for you:
As of this blog post, she is complete, and I should be listing her on eBay sometime in the next few days (I will have a seperate post for that!), barring any severe craziness (I may have just cursed myself there...)
Also- Mermaid March Madness is over, but go ahead and visit my website HERE to see ALL 31 of them!! There are still many available for purchase- each one is $15...I am slowly listing those that are available on eBay, too....Mermaids and More on eBay!
Now, quick updates:
First, I have gone ahead and revamped my eBay listing template- Nothing intense, I just wanted it to look more like my website :) So, for those of you who have noticed the change, and were possibly wondering what was going on with that- yes, it is still lil ol me! We are not attaching ourselves to EBSQ anymore, which leads me into update #2:
I will be removing my art from EBSQ- it's a long and slightly poopy story, but let's just say I don't like to pay for services that are not provided, and we'll leave it at that. I will be moving over to deviantart.com- slowly...very slowly. I have decided, for reasons related to sanity, to retire MOST OF MY ART. I know, that's a LOT of art to retire. What I mean when I say "retire"- I mean, no more prints. I DO NOT MEAN relinquishing my copyrights. I do not mean throwing my art in the garbage (maybe a few pieces). I will be 'curating' the works of mine that I have chosen to NOT retire...things will be set up a bit differently. I want to organize them into "stories" or "similar voices" or...eh, it's hard to explain. So that will take a bit of thinking on my part (dang, I can't ever escape the thinking!!!) I will certainly keep you posted!!
The print set up for all my new pieces (beginning with "Fool's Blood") will also be a bit different...I've been pondering the limited edition vs open edition point. I just realized, I have probably bored you to tears with this. This is probably what I am thinking about when you are talking to me in person and I have a glazed look on my face...Or maybe I actually look like I am listening to you? I have very little idea what is going on outside my inner world, and my studio, lately. I hope that I have been decent enough to you that you would naturally have a touch of patience for me at this time :)
Visit my website- tons of images available as art prints and posters: darklingtreasures.com
Loads of fun stuff- T shirts, stickers, mugs, stationery, bags, buttons, and more in my Zazzle Shop!