What. Is. Up?
I have new art, that's what! (Shocking, I know! phhh) A few original pieces, lots of auctions on ebay, new Zazzle items with some recent art of mine, some humor, some rambling...
First up, I would like to introduce the latest proof that I am a huge dork- "Rock Lobster" is an original 7" x 5" fantasy painting, featuring a mermaid/lobster girl rocking out with her headphones on...complete with electric guitar fish swimming in the background. Yes. Dorky, but I love her. If you would like to be the proud new owner of this ridiculous piece, she is currently up for auction on eBay, with a starting bid of only $15! To see the listing with all the information, please visit the link below her picture:

"Rock Lobster" original mermaid fantasy painting
There are also a few work in progress pictures of this piece up in my Facebook album HERE! (Scroll to the bottom of the page to see her)
Now, rareness...I have been holding onto this piece for a bit. Mmm, okay, actually he was sitting in the corner of my desk, half finished for about a month, patiently waiting while many beautiful and strange women were being created. I feel bad, as I don't often draw male characters, so...I am going to start peppering them in more often. This is "Good Ideas"- he is up for auction on eBay, with a starting bid of $5! To see more, just check out the listing at the link below his picture:

"Good Ideas" original fantasy ACEO illustration
As usual, there are A TON of auctions running- originals from $5 (ACEO) to $25 starting bids, and a bunch of ACEO open edition prints for 99 cent starting bids! To see everything on one page, just click HERE!
ZAZZLE TIME! I feel like I should do jazz hands when I say that. Just picture me doing that, okay? Awesome. I just got an email today informing me that my shop has apparently reached "pro seller" status on Zazzle! Woo Hoo! Now, I have some new products up, with my "Tiny Travels" alien pin up image, and a few items with my Dragon Playing Card images on them, among others! There's too much to list, but I'll throw a few atcha- T shirts, tote bags, stickers, posters... To see all the newness, please visit the link below the picture:

New Alien pin up and Dragon Playing Card items ++ through Zazzle!
In other randomness, I've been trying to get a comic drawn up at least once a week (admittedly, I've been slacking on getting them FINISHED, but they are being penciled up regularly)...Anyhoo, these are just humorous and mostly stupid vignettes of moments in my life. Most of them happen for realz, some of them are just reactions that I have in my head. I work in a kitchen, so...they lean toward the perverse a lot of the time. If this is something that offends you...what the crap are you doing reading my blog? And, don't follow this link...unless you want to laugh a little:
Em's stupid comics on Facebook
Okay...go pee, grab a snack and get situated, cuz I'm gonna ramble at you for a minute! LOL! Firstly, I want to thank each and every one of you who have supported my art over the years. It is just...so...wonderful to be able to share these little worlds, stories, and pictures, and have them be received by open eyes and open hearts. Even all you critics, I love you too. All of you have helped me to become a better artist, and in turn, a better person, every day. There's no way I can ever truly express my gratitude. But I will always try. :) *ahem* sorry to get all mushy on ya...Full moon in Cancer (I think) coming up, and I am feelin it...Ugh!
Anyhoo, how about some shallow rambling? Ha ha, okay- so, remember last week when I was hemming and hawing about painting a mermaid on that long, thin canvas? Well, that's not happening at the moment. I flew off on another weird tangent, and am now working on a few new ladies (and some dudes!). I have a nude robot sketched out, and had her all ready to get onto canvas. Then I got another idea, and ANOTHER IDEA, and ANOTHER ONE...so...things are pretty much a carnival over here, working 3-4 pieces in the physical realm and about 4 more in my brain. I don't know what is wrong with me, making so much dang work for myself. On top of that, I seem to be in kind of a 'summer' mood, so I've been out and about more often, and not in the studio WORKING LIKE I SHOULD BE! Things are still getting accomplished, though not at the pace that I prefer to keep. But...all work and no play...you know? Not that I don't LOVE to paint, but...I've been told I'm only human, so that's what I'm rollin' with for now ;)
Visit my website- tons of images available as art prints and posters: darklingtreasures.com
Loads of fun stuff- T shirts, stickers, mugs, stationery, bags, buttons, and more in my Zazzle Shop!
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